How do I register with your surgery?

You will need to complete our online new patient registration form for each person wishing to register. Alternatively, you can come into the surgery and request the forms from reception.

Do I live in your practice area?

You can check if your postcode falls within our practice boundary by visiting our practice boundary.

How do I register for online patient services?

You will need to complete our online Register for Online Services form. Once they have verified various details with you an automated username and password will be issued. Once you have logged on, you can change the randomly generated password to something more memorable. Once you have registered with SystmOnline you are able to book and cancel appointments, view test results, request repeat prescriptions and also access your medical record.

How do I make an appointment?

You can make an appointment in the following ways:

  • use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • via SystmOnline please note that if you use this service to book a telephone appointment, you will be contacted during 8am to 2pm or 2pm to 6:30pm period during which the time slot corresponds. You will not be contacted at the specific time.
  • phone us on Cam Surgery 01453 540066 or Uley Surgery 01453 860459

Why do reception staff ask for personal details about my appointment?

Our receptionists are trained professionals who will make enquires about symptoms or the nature of the appointment to ensure that you are booked in with the correct clinician and for the right length of time, depending on your needs.

How long will my appointment be?

The standard GP appointment slot is 10 minutes. If you have more than one issue to discuss, or feel that you may need a longer consultation time for a more complex problem, then you can request to book a double appointment. Some nurse appointments such as dressing changes, diabetes checks, asthma reviews and smears, for example, may be 15, 20 or 30 minutes, you will be advised of this at the time of making your appointment.

Can I have a telephone appointment?

Yes. Call the surgery and request a telephone appointment. The receptionist will ask what the call is regarding, this to assist the GP in planning their time and so they know what they are going to call about. The receptionist will also confirm contact details. We are unable to give an exact time for the call, only advising whether morning or afternoon, as it is very much dependent on their surgery during the day, though you can request a before or after time.

How do I cancel an appointment?

You can cancel an appointment by:

Can I see the same GP?

Usually yes. Request your usual registered GP when booking your appointment. If your GP is not available or on annual leave when you want your appointment, you can be seen by one of their ‘buddy group’. The buddy group is a smaller group of 3/4 of our GPs. This assists with the continuity of your care.

How do I order repeat prescriptions?

Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:

How do I request a home visit?

You can request a home visit if you are housebound or too ill to visit the surgery. If possible, please try to telephone reception before 10am. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide on how urgently a visit is needed. They may sometimes call you to assess the situation and give immediate advice until they are able to get to you.

How do I change my address and telephone number?

You can amend these details by using our online change of personal details form.

How do I get medical advice when the surgery is closed?

You should call 111, the free NHS number who will be able to give advice. Only in a medical emergency should you dial 999. NHS 111 are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Your needs will be assessed & advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a Doctor.

Call if:

  • You need medical advice fast but it’s not a 999 emergency.
  • You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service.
  • You don’t know who to call, haven’t got a GP or can’t call your own GP
  • You need health information or reassurance about what to do next.

How do I check in for my appointment at the surgery?

On arriving at Cam or Uley Surgery there is an automated check-in screen in the entrance foyer. Please follow the onscreen instructions to check-in. The screen will then tell you who your appointment is with and which waiting room to go to.

You can check-in with the reception, at both Cam and Uley surgeries.

How do I make a complaint?

We have a robust complaints policy. Our feedback and complaints page gives full details on how to and where to complain, including other organisations who can assist with a complaint.

How do I get my test results?

If your test results show that you need more tests or treatment, we will contact you.

Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

All test results are seen by a doctor. If any action is needed we will contact you either by phone or post asking you to book a telephone consultation or a face to face appointment.

Receptionists are unable to interpret results and cannot tell patients what any of their results mean unless there are notes from the Doctor giving them instruction or advice to do so.

They can tell you the results are back and pass on any comments the doctors have made e.g. ‘no action needed’ or ‘book a telephone appointment’. If you then wish to speak to a doctor the receptionist can book you a telephone call. We are unable to give test results to anyone other than the patient, except by prior arrangement.

Minor surgery

Patients should request results after six weeks for results of any skin samples that have been sent to the laboratory.

Xrays and CT scans

Please allow at least 10 days before requesting results.

I’m away at University and registered with a GP there. Can I see a doctor when I’m visiting back at Home?

Yes you can still see a GP. You will need to register with us as a temporary resident. You will usually be requested to arrive 10/15 mins prior to the appointment to go through the paperwork.

Can I get the help of translator or interpreter?

Yes, when making the appointment, please request an interpreter and the surgery can arrange this for you. This will be a telephone service.